Enrichment Opportunities
Opportunities for enrichment at Ontario universities
- www.artsci.utoronto.ca/futurestudents/academics/hsprograms/enrichment
- www.findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/programs/enrichment.php
- www6.carleton.ca/emcp/forms/
Catalyst Grade 11 Women’s Conference
The University of Waterloo is hosting the 3rd annual Catalyst Grade 11 Women’s Conference.
From May 3rd to May 5th 2013, attendees will experience what it means to be an engineer and what it is like to be a student at Waterloo. By participating in a number of hands-on workshops, meet and greets with female students in engineering, competing in a design competition and experiencing life in residence they will build a better understanding of the profession of engineering and post-secondary education.
One of the 2011 students described their experience as follows:
Catalyst gave me a great experience last year. I had the opportunity to get a sneak peak at dorm life and I learned a lot about engineering. Even though I planned on going into engineering Catalyst helped me to stop second guessing myself about my future.